Believe in God
September 17|Faithfulness Series
September 17|Faithfulness Series
Text: Matthew 11.28-30 | Believe in God
Up until the day she became completely undone, Hannah acted out her sorrow and stress over being childless by crying and not eating. Elkanah, her husband, thinks his love should be enough. But his love is not enough to take away the shame and hurt a woman in that culture felt about being a childless failure.
Yet, after she poured out her heart to God, she explained to Eli (the priest who thought she was drunk), “I was pouring out my soul to the Lord. Do not take your servant for a wicked woman” (1 Samuel 1.15-16).” She goes away at peace with God, no longer sad.
True peace only comes from bringing our whole self to God; giving it all to him and holding back nothing.
As Jesus says in Matthew 11.28-30, when you are ashamed, and weary from the pains of this world and come to him, “. . . you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Today, meditate on Matthew 11.28-30 and memorize it. If you’ve never given your life to Christ and are tired of carrying your sorrows and burdens, then tell him you receive his yoke. If you’ve already taken that step, allow him to show you where you’re still trying to carry your burdens without him and—like Hannah—ask for his help.